we’ve had her since she was 5 weeks old, she’s grown up with my children since birth we have never had any problems with Luna the only reason we are rehoming her is due to us just having our 3rd baby and have another dog and it’s just a bit to much, she comes with her vaccination card and pet passport and is upto date with everything she should be including her having a microchip She is so loving and energetic loves cuddles and lots of ball time the only reason for her sale is I have had a new baby and since her arrival she has become really overprotective of the baby and won’t allow my other dogs near and if they try this ends up in a fight she needs to go to a loving family who will only have her as a pet and no other pets she is really loyal and loving and will give u so much love if interested please give me a call and I can give you more information on her
thank you
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