Making this hard decision I decide that I have 4 male ferrets for sale each of them are the sweetest but a lot of work I am ill I am not able to keep all the ferrets they are all the same color and personality traits are different..I love them to pieces and want them to have great homes..They will need vet care which means they are ready to go to the vets shots and getting them fix is a must..These Ferrets were hand raised the mother passed and I had no choice but to help them I am so happy I did I learned a lot about them please do your research..I am only asking 150 I know you will have to get them fix only reply if you are serious in buying Thank You…
Ferrets For Sale
- Contact Person Name Rebbecca Nettling
- Mobile Phone 5199097775
- Pet Breed Ferret
- Sex Male
- Pet Type small Animal
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