The puppy is a male 14 weeks and 4 days old and ready to go to its forever home. Super sweet friendly temperaments but protective of their families they’re good with animals and people especially children they are super loving. he grew up with 3 kids in the house
His exact mix is 3/4 Cane Corso 1/4 Pitbull Mom 110LB Cane Corso pure. Father 130LB Cane Corso Hybrid -Pitbull. Making him an excellent guard dogs very calm intelligent and strong. Family-friendly dog, easy to train super loyal and loving companions.
The puppy has successfully met all of the required Milestones from birth up until now to assure as best as I could that there are no behavioral issues in the future. These Milestones include things such as time to bond with Mom exposure to noise, socialization with children males females other animals food aggression training, dominance training, etc. I have socialized him as far as I can at this point now it’s their new owner’s turn to pick up where I’m leaving off in all areas of their training. He is super gentle and super sweet you can hold him to your face and he will gladly give you his cheeks and face for you to kiss he loves hugs and snuggles. he loves to be outside and is doing an amazing job thus far he is a super-smart puppy he will learn so quickly in the meantime they are puppy pee pads trained for indoor accidents. he has also been taught not to jump for food or water to sit down instead we are working on potty training outside.
He has been to the vet and has all passed the testing required to make sure everything from teeth eyes heart, breathing, skin, etc are perfect and they’re clear of any infections or diseases. Perfect health just like both their mother and father who have no health issues. He is raised in a clean environment and came from a non-smoking home with both her parents
He will go home with a starter kit that includes all his food, toys, blankets, treats, health care certificate, a few pee pads, and a vaccine booklet to record and keep track of shots/treatments. Delivering is also available.
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