Looking to rehome a ‘Female Adult cat (black in color)’. She is 8 years old.
Need a welcoming family or individual to take good care of her
Reason to look for a new home :: I am moving out of Quebec and traveling west. I am unable to take her with me because of the distance of my travel.
Personality of the cat :: Very friendly , affectionate with people. BUT, not very friendly with other animals in the house, especially other cats. Most suitable for homes, individuals which do not house other pets preferably no other cats.
Cat is in a very healthy shape, it’s spayed, no issues whatsoever. Except some skin irritations. This cat has a tendency to itch, probably some skin allergies, this should be taken note of. I have visited the vet before on many occasions, but this looks like a chronic problem.
When issues like this show up, I put a collar till it heals and make sure I am present when it grooms.
FREE items with the cat: 1/2 dental food pack, one treat pack, dander wipes, litter box , one bag of litter
If interested text me at : 647-674-4599, and if you agree to give her a new home, I can personally drop her off at your place
Adult cat looking for a home
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